Home Ownership
Eligibility Criteria & Application Process Home Ownership
Habitat for Humanity, Wind River Country (HFHWRC) works diligently to construct high energy-efficient, low-income homes in Fremont County. The average home takes about 15 months to build. The last home built was a three-bedroom, one and one-half bath and cost just over $125,000. The two most important factors affecting the production schedule are the availability of funds and scheduling with contractors in the last 60 days of the build process. Mortgage payments usually average $550-$650 per month (based on the last five years of construction) but are subject to change depending on the cost of materials, supplies, and contracted labor.
Home Ownership
At this time, Habitat is financing their homes through the USDA 502 Rural Development program. Those families successfully completing the first phase of the application process will be sent to the USDA office in Riverton to continue with the application process.
When Habitat is prepared to begin the family selection process, a notification will be sent out via local radio stations, newspapers, our Facebook page, and this website. Interested families will be directed to pick up applications and instructions. Once the application phase is closed, all applications will be forwarded to the Family Selection Committee for processing. Read More
The Family Selection Committee (FSC) is responsible for determining the family most suited to receive a new home. Some of the factors considered by the FSC in determining the recipient family are:
- 1 The demonstrated need for housing (current housing is inadequate or substandard).
- 2 Family income is too low to enable them to qualify for conventional financing.
- 3 Family’s willingness to participate as part of the Habitat family and be good stewards of the home after move in.
Some of the factors considered by the FSC when selecting a recipient family include, but are not limited to:
- 1 Family income (wages, child support, public assistance, alimony, etc.)
- 2 Ability to repay the loan (payment history)
- 3 Family composition and dynamics
- 4 Applicant(s) credit history
- 5 Applicant(s)/family members criminal history (all family members 18 and over)
- 6 Applicant(s) ability to accumulate savings
- 7 Applicant(s) ability to pay the first month’s mortgage and closing costs
Habitat suggests that potential applicants review a copy of their credit report. If there are issues or mistakes contained within the report, they should be addressed now. Waiting until the selection process has started will be too late.
Who Qualifies?
Partner families are selected on the following criteria:
- A Demonstrated Need for Decent Housing
- Shelter inadequate – structural defects, lack of heat, maintenance problems, need for handicap accessibility
- Number of bedrooms inadequate based on age, number, and gender of persons in a household
- Environmentally inadequate – residents feel unsafe
- Rent not affordable – rent exceeds 35% of monthly income
- Housing is temporary
- Unable to purchase a home through any other means due to poor credit history
The Ability to Afford a Home
- Gross monthly income (before taxes) falls between 50% and 80% of the median household income for the area.
- Ability to make house payment of $500-$600 per month
- Having bad credit does not necessarily eliminate an applicant from consideration
- The Applicant does not qualify for a conventional home loan
- Must have been a resident of Fremont County for one year prior to application
A Willingness to help Habitat Build and Grow
- Complete 500 hours of Sweat Equity work on your home prior to moving in
- Help recruit volunteers for construction and special events
- Be a spokesperson for Habitat
- Maintain the land and home after purchase, be a good neighbor and abide by neighborhood regulations
- Attend Wyoming Housing Network Homebuyer Education class (mandatory)
- Make monthly payments on time
How to Apply
The local Affiliate will announce when the application process opens via our website (windriverhabitat.org), our two Facebook pages, radio, and newspapers. Interested families are encouraged to pick up applications from the Habitat ReStore at 305 E. Main in Riverton.Applicants must submit all required paperwork by the deadline. No late applications are accepted. Applicants are required to pay $45.00 for each adult (18 and over) living in the home for background and credit checks (we will let you know when this is due).

Homeowner Application Forms
If you are interested in applying for a Habitat home, you may print the following documents. Please complete each document then return them to the ReStore in Riverton or mail them to P.O. Box 1543 Riverton, WY 82501. Make sure your application includes your full name, physical address, mailing address (if different), and phone number. If you pass this pre-qualification phase, we will contact you for further information. Cover Letter Homeowner Application Consent to Release Information